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Astrology Horoscope Queen
Patricia Rogers, Intuitive Astrologer

Archived Articles & Forecasts


Super Bloom Moon and Lunar Eclipse - May 26, 2021
By Patricia Rogers, Astrology Horoscope Queen 25 May, 2021
Super Flower Blood Moon and Solar Eclipse on May 26, 2021 with astrological interpretation for the meaning and opportunity during this rare moon phase.
By Patricia Rogers, Astrology Horoscope Queen 11 Jan, 2021
Oh the times they are a changin'
Astrology forecasts for December 14-21, 2020 during New Moon, Winter Solstice andMeteor Showerss
By Patricia Rogers, Astrology Horoscope Queen 13 Dec, 2020
Astrology forecasts for week of December 14-21, 2020 for all 12 sun, moon and ascendant signs.
Super New Moon in Scorpio, November 14-115, 2020 astrological influences and meaning.
By Patricia Rogers. Astrology Horoscope Queen 12 Nov, 2020
Time to be Captain of Your Ship!
Facing Fears Over What You Want
By Patricia Rogers 29 Oct, 2020
Blue Full Moon on October 31, 2020, details astrological influences on Halloween including Full Moon Tips to help ease stress and find positive outcomes.
By Patricia Rogers 16 Oct, 2020
There is a lot of chatter about the Super New Moon on October 16, 2020 (12:31 pm Pacific Time) and perhaps it is worthy of the coverage by astrologers, but I think all New Moons are worthy of taking note - as do all astrologers! The term "Super New Moon" might convey an ominous meaning for some, but simply put – it means the Moon is at its closest to Earth in its annual orbit. Perhaps an astrological metaphor could be that we are closer to our emotional and spiritual nature this time of year, and more receptive to our feeling nature that can be a helpful guide. It is easy to associate New Moons with New Beginnings, and while that is very true, The New Moon asks that YOU participate in the process and help set things into motion by taking action! According to legendary astrologer, Jan Spiller, the New Moon “…is a time best suited to making new beginnings! For the first 48 hours following the time of the New Moon each month, a window of opportunity opens for making wishes that, if written down, come true in the days and months ahead.” Even a small start creates a ripple effect and nuclear reaction in the universe. Something as simple as initiating a phone call to a potential employer, or first date, or any number of wishes you hope to come true have extra power to be firmly planted - like a seed that begins to establish itself and begin its growth cycle immediately to full maturity. The hard part may be DECIDING what you want and getting stuck in an endless process of re-thinking and allowing fears of rejection or multiple negative result to stop you dead in your tracks! Think of the New Moon opportunities as a “mini New Year’s Resolution” where you might make a list of what you want to bring into your life, whether it is material or experiential. It could be a new job, a move to a new city, or starting the class or a business you keep putting off. It can also be letting go of old resentments and opening your heart to be more loving to yourself and others. Often, the astrological sign that the Sun and Moon are in during the New Moon phases will influence your focus – no matter what your own Sun Sign may be. During the October 16 New Moon, the sign of Libra and its Ruling planet is Venus – the Goddess of Love, Beauty, Relationships, Justice, Arts and Values are dominating our global psyches. That covers a lot of territory to be sure, and likewise, your wishes for this New Moon may seem “all over the place”, but who says you have to stick with just one or two intentions? And who says you must adhere only with astrological rulerships and influences? Not me! Syncing up with the New Moon cycles helps you sync up with nature, the universe and yourself. It’s a great time to slow down, reflect, meditate, take long thoughtful walks and enjoy other quiet pursuits where you can hear your inner voice speak to you. You can consider the New Moon cycle or phase as a “window” that begins just before the exact alignment of Sun and Moon in the same location on the ecliptic path. If you are setting your clock to sync exactly to the start of the New Moon's 48-hour "window of opportunity" – it is 12:31 p.m., October 16 (Pacific Time). Rituals can help with the process to manifest your desired changes - but are not necessary. There is no right or wrong way to do something that helps you to center and focus on what you want to bring into your life. Your ritual can be as simple as lighting a candle, playing music, lighting incense, or just going outside to see the Moon in it's beginning (waxing) phase! I do believe it helps to write down a list of what you want to bring into your life, which likely means you have to make decisions about what you are asking for in the New Moon cycle. I also believe the list helps activate the intention to physically take the first step (or more) to fully manifest. Retrogrades for Mars and Mercury are at play during this October Super New Moon, and these two planets ask us to re-examine past ways of thinking (Mercury) and acting (Mars) that are not serving you well. Mars is asking to ignite an old passion you left behind – so perhaps it is time to get in touch with your desires to write, paint, dance, learn, teach, or any number of activities that you once pursued. Mercury is asking you to find new perspectives and give more clarity to your thought processes that may be running you ragged and stuck in a rut! This Super New Moon in October might well be the first of many where you regularly make time to be more mindful, purposeful and actionable with your life and understand the universe is listening to you – and that you are listening back as well! Want to know the influence of your Moon and other planets in your natal chart? Astrology Horoscope Queen offers a 15+ page interpretation that gives you an insightful overview of your strengths, gifts and challenges! Click here for information.
By Patricia Rogers, Astrology Horoscope Queen 31 Aug, 2020
The Full Moon phase September 1-2 (with Sun in the Virgo and Moon in Pisces) highlights our part in the collective… especially in the work place and areas where we volunteer our services. The Full Moon shines a light on where we feel enslaved and asks us to find where we can choose to be free and and free others at the same time by letting go of old patterns. Easier said than done as egos are highly charged now and people feel their personal freedoms are threatened when you exercise your own! With any Full Moon, we are challenged to change, and it helps to be open to see the world and others from an entirely new perspective and be on the lookout for surprises! It also helps to find a place to retreat to collect your thoughts, feelings and relax your body from stresses that affect your well being. The New Moon Phase September 16-17 (with Sun and Moon in Virgo) is a great time break old routines of thinking, feeling and acting that no longer serve you. Easier said than done, as fear surrounds consequences of doing so. The New Moon is a time to set new intentions, and new beginnings. Even a small start, like picking up the phone to schedule a meeting begins the momentum for the next Moon Cycle to manifest a new reality into your life. With Sun in Virgo (August 22 – September 21) we feel the need to work a little harder and push our self and others to fix problems and inefficiencies and build a "better mousetrap"! We have the tendency to nit pick and find fault and see the glass as half full. In our efforts to make the world and everyone in it a more perfect place, we can miss the beautify and perfections that surround us in nature and the natural order of our universe. You have a choice this September to stay a slave to routines and systems you helped create, or to look for ways to be more free and find peace within your various worlds. The following astrological forecasts apply to Sun, Moon and Ascendant Signs for the Full and New Moon phases (September 1-2, and 16-17) and through the end of this Sun's cycle in Virgo (ending Sept. 21, 2020). Aries (March 19 – April 20) The system is not working for you, and you want to cut the red tape and never mind the consequences. There is such a thing as biting the hand that feeds you and finding out you get cut off as a result. This is definitely a time to think before you speak (and act) and find how you can solve problems without making more for others, and yourself in turn! Taurus (April 20 – May 20) Security is #1 now, and you are guarding the home front with every resource available and not above offering certain assets to protect others that are more precious. Virtue is in the eye of the beholder now, and you are the judge and jury of who's opinion matters most (to you) in the end. Gemini (May 20 – June 20) Details matter more than usual now, and you want to catch mistakes before someone else does to keep an advantage going your way. Ethics are very much at play as you manipulate your way through a maze that is laced with opportunities and pitfalls alike. This is a time to decide to do the right thing when no one is watching! Cancer (June 20 – July 22) U.S. President Theodore Roosevelt (1858-1919) once said "speak softly but carry a big stick", and you are communicating that you mean business unless certain changes are made. You have been in this same place before, so what makes this any different now? It is true that something has go to give, and it may be that it's up to you to give-in in order to gain peace. Leo (July 22 – August 22) It is nitty gritty time for Leo to get more serious about being serious. That doesn't mean the fun has to end, and if anyone can figure out how to keep it light and lively - it's LEO! Watch the tendency to blame your moods on what others are displaying around you. You are a born leader and can choose to lead in the direction you want others to follow. Virgo (August 22- September 22) mentally, you are the top of your game now, yet may not be full sure of the direction you set out on and continue to follow. A fork in the road challenges your logical self with your spiritual side and the battle within doesn't get any more real. Best choices can be made by using both qualities, but not one without the other! Libra (September 22 – October 22) Everyone experiences doubts, and often Libra looks to others to assure them they are on the right track - only to second guess their judgments, too! Mistakes can be some of life's best teachers, and perhaps it's assuring to trust the belief that all roads lead to home when you make critical decisions this week. Scorpio (October 22 – November 21) Can you only trust yourself when it comes down to getting what you want? Whether that is true or not, what difference does it make? Perhaps it helps to find someone other than yourself to blame for delays and failures, but ultimately you make the decisions that truly count. Time is quickly wasting if you are only playing the blame game. Sagittarius (November 21 – December 21) Sagittarius is not known for being a worrier, but there's a nagging feeling now that something is wrong or about to take a turn for the worse. You are becoming more mature and accepting responsibilities that you could blow off or postpone before. You are accepting the world on new terms and letting go of old perceptions that don't stand up any more. Capricorn (December 21 – January 19) You always work hard, and are putting in extra hours now and want to make sure the results are worth it. Everything gets measured for its own return on your investment of time and resources. Still, you want to make sure that one of the rewards is a certain satisfaction that money can't buy. Aquarius (January 19 – February 18) Time to put your money and back into your ideas and make them happen! Lip service is over as you have to produce and make projects materialize and work. There is a "higher calling" to what drives you to focus and fine tune, and that "purpose" seems to evolve into even more meaningful goals with the extra efforts you are making! Pisces (February 18 – March 19) It's easy lately to focus on what might go wrong, much more than what can go right when you focus your energies and time. Why is that? People who have disappointed you in the past need your help now, and it challenges your Pisces characteristic and strength to forgive. Who says you have to forget, too? Dear Reader - If you are interested in your own detailed written description of your Astrology Chart, I offer interpretations developed by Janus, a well known developer of software for astrology reports that describe an array of insights into the mind, body and spiritual qualities, based on the day you were born! Your money will be fully refunded if not fully satisfied. Click here for more information and sample reports.
Astrology Horoscope Queen Full Moon in Aquarius/August 2020 forecasts for Sun, Moon & Rising Signs
By Patricia Rogers, Astrology Horoscope Queen 28 Jul, 2020
The August and Full Moon in Aquarius forecast give a general description of the opportunities and lessons of the astrological planetary positions, including individual forecasts for Sun, Moon and Ascendant signs for August, 2020.
New Moon in Cancer, July 20, 2020 - Blog and Astrology Forecasts for all 12 Sun Signs
By Patricia Rogers, Astrology Horoscope Queen 18 Jul, 2020
Astrology meaning for New Moon and New Moon in Cancer for July 19-20, 2020 as it relates to each of the 12 Zodiac Sun Signs.
By Patricia Rogers, Astrology Horoscope Queen 01 Apr, 2020
No matter your Sun Sign – April and May will be a “Juggling Act”! The first three signs of the zodiac (Aries, Taurus and Gemini) are in full swing this April and May - demonstrating the Cardinal (Aries), Fixed (Taurus) and Mutable (Gemini) energies (a.k.a. Modalities) that re-cycle every three months! Here’s how these 3-month cycles work – in 3 parts: #1. Take Action Time! Sun in Aries March 19-April 19 – We are indoors and isolating more – but as not couch potatoes! From spring cleaning to starting (or re-invigorating) home-based businesses or hobbies – we are ON IT! That’s Aries energy – with Mars’ vibration taking charge to get started on getting started! Watch the tendency to go in too many directions at once to be effective and get anything finished! It helps to find helpers to maintain momentum and develop your leadership skills, too! #2 Stabilize Time! – Sun in Taurus (April 19-May 20) – After starting so many projects while Sun was in Aries, we slow the pace now and focus in Taurus so we can stabilize and reinforce foundations to become stronger and support future growth! This is the mid-part of the 3-month cycle where we fine-tune and test our processes in how things work. This is where we get the “bugs” out and make improvements! This period is where we practice patience and allow our Venus energy to enjoy the creative process and not rush or cut corners. #3 Adapt and Adjust Time! – Sun in (Gemini May 20-June 20) A crazy-maker for some – this period following Aries and Taurus is when we complete one cycle and prepare for the next (in June and July)! It helps to practice “acceptance” in this process as the universe urges us to get out of old ruts and routines and practice new routines! This is an excellent time during Gemini to explore and experiment and be open to change. It’s easy to see our growth from the start of this cycle, and the emergence of new thoughts, feelings and vibration! Astro highlights for April and May 2020 Jupiter conjunct Pluto in Capricorn – April 4 – Following the infamous Saturn conjunct Pluto in Capricorn on January 12, 2020, that many blame for current global situations, Jupiter joins the fray now to make everything bigger…for better or worse! Mostly for the better as many blessings are bestowed, even if disguised at first! Full Moon in Libra – April 7 – The “classic” Full Moon – representing YOU and your relationships that include physical, emotional, mental and spiritual issues. Emotions take center stage, and everyone wants improvements – NOW! Question is – will it be a one-way street – or a true compromise between yourself and others? New Moon in Taurus – April 22 – Money, sex and security is highlighted to reflect on how they control your emotional well-being and sense of satisfaction in our material world. Full Moon in Scorpio – May 7 – The theme of money, sex and security previously examined during April 22nd New Moon hits a crisis point where “something’s gotta give”! You’ll look to cut losses and get back-pay (or perhaps pay-back)! Saturn Retrograde in Aquarius on May 11 – The planet of challenges is returning to Capricorn to finish what he started with Pluto in late 2019 - to restructure outdated models and paradigms no longing serving the good of the whole. The old saying “if only I knew then” applies here, because we’ve learned from mistakes and can perform “damage control” that reverses many affects that looked irreversible before. This “remodel period” lasts through mid-December 2020! Yes, Saturn takes his sweet time…but the results are worthwhile and long lasting! Venus and Jupiter Retrogrades - May 13 and 14 . Venus and Jupiter work beautifully together because they always want what’s best for us! They will do their magic in Gemini (Venus helping restore lost work and daily living circumstances) and Jupiter in Capricorn – advancing our careers and standing in the world. Venus and Jupiter are replacing what was lost, and this “restoration” period lasts through summer! It’s an excellent time to collect on old debts and ask for big favors! New Moon in Gemini – May 22 – We’re restless for something new, and likely have “Grass is Greener syndrome” where everything looks better than our own situations. It’s an excellent time to follow your curiosity and new paths to explore! April & May forecasts – applies to Sun, Moon and Ascendant Signs. Aries (March 19 – April 20) You are hard at work and up to your eyeballs in systems and details that are drudgery but necessary. Like climbing mountains, when you reach one summit, there is another one to climb, and then another! Slow and steady gets the prize and definitely worth your efforts! Taurus (April 20 – May 20) This is an excellent time to teach what you know and finish that idea about writing a book, or blog and getting your ideas out there! In so doing, you advance your own education in ways that would not have otherwise happened! The more you give, the more knowledge you receive! Gemini (May 20 – June 20) Being an innovative sign, Gemini brings new meaning to that term now - especially when helping others get familiar with technology that improves their lives! You love the activity and non-stop interaction with a variety of people and tasks - making you the “Mother of Invention” for new necessities! Cancer (June 20 – July 22) You are doing a lot of soul searching and looking at how your emotions affect the health and happiness in your relationships for better or worse. This is especially true during the Full and New Moon phases in April and May. You are pushing yourself out of comfort zones and taking risks by exposing vulnerabilities that prevent the intimacy you desire. Leo (July 22 – August 22) You are building a positive new sense of yourself and putting it out there without the usual fear of rejection. No telling what you can do with this new confidence as you dare to explore and find possibilities you avoided before. Time to discover how much you make your own luck! Virgo (August 22- September 22) Systems, routines are all changing now, and it’s easy to feel like everyone is following their own rules that fly in the face of logic and common sense! What’s an organized Virgo to do? Time to go with the flow and implement structures that serve the good of the whole – without forcing the issue that often turns people off. Libra (September 22 – October 22) You decide it’s now or never for new agreements in your relationships by establishing expectations in the give-and-take” at home, work and elsewhere. While you want to create a fair playing field, you’ll be surprised at how much is asked of you to put forth to create balanced arrangements for all parties! Scorpio (October 22 – November 21) You have big plans for 2020 and nothing is going to stop you, even if current events do slow the process! You need to make it easier for others by making it harder on yourself - by helping create new structures for people to function efficiently so they’ll be in a position to help you succeed! Sagittarius (November 21 – December 21) You are building for the future and putting in the long hours to make it happen. Good for you Sagittarius as you are now the first to wake up and last to call it a night as you choose doing one more thing - multiple times – especially if it’s to help someone else get ahead! That’s your generous side coming out and it’s a major reason why you will (also) succeed! Capricorn (December 21 – January 19) You step ahead of the pack to give yourself more credit – while still giving credit to others who help put you in the spotlight. As you build your personal brand as a leader, you must walk the walk & talk much more than before to be as convincing as your promises. Aquarius (January 19 – February 18) Most people don’t know Aquarians are shy…but you must work through that trait now to make break-throughs you’ve always wanted! It helps if you pretend to be someone else and still be authentic while playing a role! Aquarians may be the only one who understands why and how that makes perfect sense! Pisces (February 18 – March 19) You are always a lightning rod for emotions and fears embedded in your surroundings, and now it is so important to keep yourself clear through meditative or other practices! You are often last on your own list to do nice things to sooth, relax and self-nourish in times of need. Now is when you can lead by example to help others! To get a personalized reading for yourself, please contact Patricia Rogers at
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