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Astrology Horoscope Queen
Patricia Rogers, Intuitive Astrologer

Super New Moon and Mars & Mercury Retrogrades in October

Patricia Rogers • Oct 16, 2020

How to Sync Up to Manifest Change and Growth

There is a lot of chatter about the Super New Moon on October 16, 2020 (12:31 pm Pacific Time) and perhaps it is worthy of the coverage by astrologers, but I think all New Moons are worthy of taking note - as do all astrologers!

The term "Super New Moon" might convey an ominous meaning for some, but simply put – it means the Moon is at its closest to Earth in its annual orbit. Perhaps an astrological metaphor could be that we are closer to our emotional and spiritual nature this time of year, and more receptive to our feeling nature that can be a helpful guide.

It is easy to associate New Moons with New Beginnings, and while that is very true, The New Moon asks that YOU participate in the process and help set things into motion by taking action!

According to legendary astrologer, Jan Spiller, the New Moon “…is a time best suited to making new beginnings! For the first 48 hours following the time of the New Moon each month, a window of opportunity opens for making wishes that, if written down, come true in the days and months ahead.”

Even a small start creates a ripple effect and nuclear reaction in the universe. Something as simple as initiating a phone call to a potential employer, or first date, or any number of wishes you hope to come true have extra power to be firmly planted - like a seed that begins to establish itself and begin its growth cycle immediately to full maturity.  

The hard part may be DECIDING what you want and getting stuck in an endless process of re-thinking and allowing fears of rejection or multiple negative result to stop you dead in your tracks!

Think of the New Moon opportunities as a “mini New Year’s Resolution” where you might make a list of what you want to bring into your life, whether it is material or experiential. It could be a new job, a move to a new city, or starting the class or a business you keep putting off. It can also be letting go of old resentments and opening your heart to be more loving to yourself and others.

Often, the astrological sign that the Sun and Moon are in during the New Moon phases will influence your focus – no matter what your own Sun Sign may be. During the October 16 New Moon, the sign of Libra and its Ruling planet is Venus – the Goddess of Love, Beauty, Relationships, Justice, Arts and Values are dominating our global psyches. That covers a lot of territory to be sure, and likewise, your wishes for this New Moon may seem “all over the place”, but who says you have to stick with just one or two intentions? And who says you must adhere only with astrological rulerships and influences? Not me!

Syncing up with the New Moon cycles helps you sync up with nature, the universe and yourself. It’s a great time to slow down, reflect, meditate, take long thoughtful walks and enjoy other quiet pursuits where you can hear your inner voice speak to you.  

You can consider the New Moon cycle or phase as a “window” that begins just before the exact alignment of Sun and Moon in the same location on the ecliptic path. If you are setting your clock to sync exactly to the start of the New Moon's 48-hour "window of opportunity" – it is 12:31 p.m., October 16 (Pacific Time).

Rituals can help with the process to manifest your desired changes - but are not necessary. There is no right or wrong way to do something that helps you to center and focus on what you want to bring into your life. Your ritual can be as simple as lighting a candle, playing music, lighting incense, or just going outside to see the Moon in it's beginning (waxing) phase!

I do believe it helps to write down a list of what you want to bring into your life, which likely means you have to make decisions about what you are asking for in the New Moon cycle. I also believe the list helps activate the intention to physically take the first step (or more) to fully manifest.

Retrogrades for Mars and Mercury are at play during this October Super New Moon, and these two planets ask us to re-examine past ways of thinking (Mercury) and acting (Mars) that are not serving you well. 

Mars is asking to ignite an old passion you left behind – so perhaps it is time to get in touch with your desires to write, paint, dance, learn, teach, or any number of activities that you once pursued. Mercury is asking you to find new perspectives and give more clarity to your thought processes that may be running you ragged and stuck in a rut!

This Super New Moon in October might well be the first of many where you regularly make time to be more mindful, purposeful and actionable with your life and understand the universe is listening to you – and that you are listening back as well!

Want to know the influence of your Moon and other planets in your natal chart? Astrology Horoscope Queen offers a 15+ page interpretation that gives you an insightful overview of your strengths, gifts and challenges! Click here for information.


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