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Astrology Horoscope Queen
Patricia Rogers, Intuitive Astrologer

What the Moon Phase You Were Born Under Says About You in Astrology!

Patricia Rogers, Astrologer • Jan 28, 2022

Your Karmic Promise Revealed

“The moon does not fight. It attacks no one. It does not worry. It does not try to crush others. It keeps to its course, but by its very nature, it gently influences. What other body could pull an entire ocean from shore to shore? The moon is faithful to its nature and its power is never diminished.”
― Deng Ming-Dao, Everyday Tao: Living with Balance and Harmony

It never ceases to amaze me to hear people react to being told they are a “New Moon” or “Full Moon” baby! There is instant delight that implies they understand what that means, astrologically speaking! Chances are – they don’t. But it sounds pretty cool and raises instant curiosity to discover what the astrological significance is for them!

The phase of the Moon people are born under gives great insight into “karmic promises” made for this lifetime. It symbolizes likely traits such as mood, and outlook on life.

The Moon phase is always based in relationship to how far away it is from the Sun at any given time. Within each monthly Moon cycle is approximately 29.53059 days (from New Moon to New Moon). That Moon cycle is divided into eight (8) phases and measured by degrees between it and the Sun’s position. Example: A New Moon will be somewhere between 0 and 45 degrees between Sun and Moon. One could argue that a Full or New Moon can only last an instant before it is no longer “exact” – and that is true. But astrologically and astronomically speaking, the phases are determined by the degrees between the Sun and Moon.

First things first – you need to find your Moon Phase…and thanks to the internet – it’s super easy!

Simply ask your browser what the Moon Phase was on the day and time and place you were born. Example: On July 4, 2000, San Diego, California at 9:00 a.m. the Moon was in its Waxing Crescent phase. If you do not know the time of your birth – it’s usually safe to use 12 noon or even 6pm.

Dear Reader - For your convenience, here’s a website to search for your own Moon phase:

Now that you know your Moon Phase – the descriptions below offer a glimpse into your psyche and point to the monthly moon phase that are most impactful for you to intentionally express those qualities. I recommend you mark your calendars each month to “sync up” to the Moon Phase in the sky, with the one you were born under by practicing  a type of ritual or meditation to manifest what you want and desire to have in your life. Heck – it could even be to take a bubble bath or treat yourself to a night out! By all means, spend time outdoors to gaze and reflect on the Moon’s appearance in the daytime or nighttime sky, and be open to thoughts and feelings that arise within when you do

A huge thank you and acknowledgement to legendary astrologer, Steven Forrest, for his book “The Book of the Moon” from which I “boil down” profound insights he offers for each of the 8 Moon Phases. While this article focuses on the phases of the Moon, the totality of an individual’s personality, life themes, outlook, etc. must be carefully examined in context with the entire natal astrology chart – including the position of the Moon by sign and house.

*Click here for info and samples of Natal Astrology Interpretations and how to get yours!

New Moon Phase 0⁰-45⁰ “The Legend” and Bringer of Gifts – A great power is always emerging here – but may only be sensed by others as it is not fully exposed or explained. New Moon phases are more than the sum of their parts and often leave people “wanting more”. There is a tendency for naivety and overlooking the depths in other people. Likewise, feelings and fears are easily given more validity than warranted as the imagination is quite strong. In this life, the person promised to “go for it” and not allow others to dissuade or discourage them from following their passions. These folks often inspire others and leave a positive and long lasting impression on those they meet – even if just once!

Famous New Moon people: Elvis Presley, Steve Jobs, Michelle Obama, Snoop Dogg, Florence Nightingale. Queen Victoria

Phase 2:  Waxing Crescent Phase 45⁰-90⁰ “The Extremist” – Hope in the Face of Darkness – There is an eternal urgency with no time to lose or waste that some people might characterize as neurotic or obsessive! Waxing Crescent folks are driven as if on a “Mission from God”! There is an emotional intensity that attracts others to inspire and support their goals. For that reason, this person might mis-use people’s time and resources and inadvertently exploit them – claiming a higher good is validating their efforts. In this life, the person is terrified of stagnation and won’t take no for an answer. There is always something driving their passions that likely keeps them up at night and always on the move!

Famous Waxing Crescent people: Beyoncé Knowles, Clint Eastwood, Julia Child, Mae West, Brittany Spears

First Quarter 90⁰-135⁰ “The Crusader” – Idealism collides with reality – There is an “all in” quality about life that some people might call fanatical and tyrannical. There is always urgency and frustration involved where the person is compelled to speak out and change the course of people’s thoughts and actions. While this person may claim “speaking truth to power” – the “power” may have a different perspective! The First Quarter Moon feels 100% convinced and therefore committed to bring change no matter the consequences. There is potential for sacrifice and martyrdom with this placement. In this life, the person has promised to “be in it to win it” and go the distance to make a difference. The key will be to avoid an “all or nothing” attitude and find compromise to bring about change in a collective process.

Famous First Quarter Moon people: Jack Kevorkian, nelson Mandela, Aretha Franklin, LeAnn Rimes, Jay Leno,


Phase 4: Waxing Gibbous 135⁰-180⁰ “The Helper” and “The Lover” - Support and Partnership – One and one equals three! This placement indicates a person who creates through and with partners. An example would be that you draw a picture and want an opinion on the colors used, and the first person that sees the drawing suggests changes that are incorporated and result in producing a more accurate reflection of the image drawn, and possibly a commercial success, too! Teamwork makes the dreamwork! Just before the Full Moon, we realize and happily accept the importance and impact of other people in our life! We are “better together” is the mantra and motto, but it’s important to watch out for compromising values that need to be defended and protected, so you don’t sell your soul to make others happy.

Famous Waxing Gibbous people:  Melissa Etheridge, Donald Trump, Hillary Clinton, Arnold Schwarzenegger, Jack Nicholson.

Phase 5: The Full Moon 180⁰-225⁰ “The Human Being” – Drama King or Queen – Steven Forrest calls this placement the “damned if I do…dammed if I don’t” phase, and those born under the full moon will tell you it is true! There seems to be storm clouds overhead and something always going on – to the extreme! These folks know it is not normal to have so many apple carts turning over at once, and perhaps they are used to it, and even like it! Full Moon folks are engaged in a constant balancing act that involves acceptance of oppositions that need to be reconciled. Fat chance that this person will ignore or run away from the facts and circumstances, but that doesn’t mean they will take responsibility for how they likely contributed to the chaos, or always take action. Still, any delay or stagnation is not likely to happen for long, as this person promised to fully participate this lifetime and not sit on the sidelines!

Famous Full Moon people: Michael Jackson, Sandra Bullock, Tina Turner, David Bowie, Coco Chanel

Phase 6: The Waning Gibbous 225⁰-270⁰ “The Shaman” - Acceptance and Surrender – These folks understand there is more to life than satisfying personal wants and desires and look to make a difference by “giving back”. Perhaps more accurately, they are “paying forward” and helping make the world a better place - one kind act at a time. They carry a sense that every life matters and deserves loving support and understanding – especially when there is a struggle or difficulty, they can alleviate for someone else. Still, if this person feels there is only so much time left or resources to go around, they might easily justify keeping their own place in line or not correcting the cashier when they give too much change back and hold an “every man or woman for them self” outlook. That is highly unlikely as this person wants to live life to the fullest and proudly look in the mirror!

Famous Waning Gibbous people: Princess Diana, Winston Churchill, Sally Ride, George Clooney and Mother Theresa

Phase 7: The Last Quarter 270⁰-315⁰ “The Pilgrim” - Savor the Moment – Steven Forrest calls this phase “flawed wisdom, hard-won" and eloquently describes the sweet acceptance of less-than-perfect people and circumstances. Although there is a possibility of having the questioning attitude of “is that all there is?”, the 7th Moon phase often indicates an appreciation for the simple things in life and that which money can’t buy – especially happiness! While there are pitfalls and a potential shadow side for this lunar phase  (like cynicism and resignation), the native is NOT likely to be judgmental or think they are “all that”. There is a peacefulness and “let it go” attitude that is a conscious decision they make and maintain. They actively pursue clean and peaceful endings to disputes with people and seek closure for all.

Famous Last Quarter Moon people: Oprah Winfrey, Michael J. Fox, Walt Disney, Amelia Earhart.

Phase 8: The Waning Crescent 315⁰-360⁰ “The Mystic Wanderer” - The Twilight Zone – This person believes in ghosts, because they see them, and sometimes they wonder if they are, in fact, a ghost! Perhaps the latter is not as true as the former, but the mystical is real, acknowledged and incorporated into daily living. To believe is not enough – these folks must connect and actively live by their definition of spiritual and metaphysical realms. Quiet time is not only valued, but essential to their well being and peace of mind. The “pull” of the mystical world and incongruities they feel between the “seen and unseen” can lead to depression and even temporary or permanent insanity in some cases. The cold cruel world takes a toll, but this person promised to face it head on and breakthrough fears and any resistance to find transcendence for themselves once and for all. 

Famous Waning Crescent Moon people: Rod Serling, Deepak Chopra, Michelangelo, Beethoven, Abraham Lincoln, Jane Roberts

Dear Reader – Having your own Natal Astrology Chart interpretation is fun, insightful, and easy to get! I offer an amazing 20+ page report that includes two versions of your chart and 20+ page report of all 10 Planets, 12 Houses, major aspects, and more. Click here for more information and sample report!


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