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Astrology Horoscope Queen
Patricia Rogers, Intuitive Astrologer

New and Full Moons in September 2020 - Time to Let Go of What Enslaves You!

Patricia Rogers, Astrology Horoscope Queen • Aug 31, 2020

Time to find a new freedom within!

The Full Moon phase September 1-2 (with Sun in the Virgo and Moon in Pisces) highlights our part in the collective… especially in the work place and areas where we volunteer our services. The Full Moon shines a light on where we feel enslaved and asks us to find where we can choose to be free and and free others at the same time by letting go of old patterns. Easier said than done as egos are highly charged now and people feel their personal freedoms are threatened when you exercise your own!

With any Full Moon, we are challenged to change, and it helps to be open to see the world and others from an entirely new perspective and be on the lookout for surprises!   It also helps to find a place to retreat to collect your thoughts, feelings and relax your body from stresses that affect your well being.  

The New Moon Phase September 16-17 (with Sun and Moon in Virgo) is a great time break old routines of thinking, feeling and acting that no longer serve you. Easier said than done, as fear surrounds consequences of doing so. The New Moon is a time to set new intentions, and new beginnings. Even a small start, like picking up the phone to schedule a meeting begins the momentum for the next Moon Cycle to manifest a new reality into your life.

With Sun in Virgo (August 22 – September 21) we feel the need to work a little harder and push our self and others to fix problems and inefficiencies and build a "better mousetrap"!  We have the tendency to nit pick and find fault and see the glass as half full.  In our efforts to make the world and everyone in it a more perfect place, we can miss the beautify and perfections that surround us in nature and the natural order of our universe.

You have a choice this September to stay a slave to routines and systems you helped create, or to look for ways to be more free and find peace within your various worlds.

The following astrological forecasts apply to Sun, Moon and Ascendant Signs for the Full and New Moon phases (September 1-2, and 16-17) and through the end of this Sun's cycle in Virgo (ending Sept. 21, 2020).

Aries (March 19 – April 20) The system is not working for you, and you want to cut the red tape and never mind the consequences.  There is such a thing as biting the hand that feeds you and finding out you get cut off as a result.  This is definitely a time to think before you speak (and act) and find how you can solve problems without making more for others, and yourself in turn!  

Taurus (April 20 – May 20) Security is #1 now, and you are guarding the home front with every resource available and not above offering certain assets to protect others that are more precious.  Virtue is in the eye of the beholder now, and you are the judge and jury of who's opinion matters most (to you) in the end.  

Gemini (May 20 – June 20) Details matter more than usual now, and you want to catch mistakes before someone else does to keep an advantage going your way.  Ethics are very much at play as you manipulate your way through a maze that is laced with opportunities and pitfalls alike.  This is a time to decide to do the right thing when no one is watching!

Cancer (June 20 – July 22) U.S. President Theodore Roosevelt (1858-1919) once said "speak softly but carry a big stick", and you are communicating that you mean business unless certain changes are made.  You have been in this same place before, so what makes this any different now?  It is true that something has go to give, and it may be that it's up to you to give-in in order to gain peace.

Leo (July 22 – August 22) It is nitty gritty time for Leo to get more serious about being serious.  That doesn't mean the fun has to end, and if anyone can figure out how to keep it light and lively - it's LEO!  Watch the tendency to blame your moods on what others are displaying around you.  You are a born leader and can choose to lead in the direction you want others to follow.

Virgo (August 22- September 22) mentally, you are the top of your game now, yet may not be full sure of the direction you  set out on and continue to follow.  A fork in the road challenges your logical self with your spiritual side and the battle within doesn't get any more real.  Best choices can be made by using both qualities, but not one without the other!

Libra (September 22 – October 22) Everyone experiences doubts, and often Libra looks to others to assure them they are on the right track - only to second guess their judgments, too!  Mistakes can be some of life's best teachers, and perhaps it's assuring to trust the belief that all roads lead to home when you make critical decisions this week.

Scorpio (October 22 – November 21) Can you only trust yourself when it comes down to getting what you want?  Whether that is true or not, what difference does it make?  Perhaps it helps to find someone other than yourself to blame for delays and failures, but ultimately you make the decisions that truly count.  Time is quickly wasting if you are only playing the blame game.

Sagittarius (November 21 – December 21) Sagittarius is not known for being a worrier, but there's a nagging feeling now that something is wrong or about to take a turn for the worse.  You are becoming more mature and accepting responsibilities that you could blow off or postpone before.  You are accepting the world on new terms and letting go of old perceptions that don't stand up any more.

Capricorn (December 21 – January 19) You always work hard, and are putting in extra hours now and want to 
make sure the results are worth it.  Everything gets measured for its own return on your investment of time and resources.  Still, you want to make sure that one of the rewards is a certain satisfaction that money can't buy.

Aquarius (January 19 – February 18) Time to put your money and back into your ideas and make them happen!  Lip service is over as you have to produce and make projects materialize and work.  There is a "higher calling" to what drives you to focus and fine tune, and that "purpose" seems to evolve into even more meaningful goals with the extra efforts you are making!

Pisces (February 18 – March 19) It's easy lately to focus on what might go wrong, much more than what can go right when you focus your energies and time.  Why is that?  People who have disappointed you in the past need your help now, and it challenges your Pisces characteristic and strength to forgive.  Who says you have to forget, too?

Dear Reader - 


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